How to scan color OMR sheet

Colored OMR sheets scanning

For technical and few other reasons, the OMR sheets are printed in different combinations of Red, Green and Blue colors. How to scan color OMR sheet is not a difficult job. Commonly you will find such sheets in pink color with a combination of black. The reason to use pink color is because it’s quite crowning which make it quite simple to handle on the screen by the scanner or the software. It is possible to remove all the matter present in pink color which make it easy to check the accurate answers or the darken ovals. Color dropping is the name given to this process or removing all the pink color matter from the sheet.

Only advanced versions of scanners are equipped with such feature. It is possible and in fact simple to scan OMR sheets in colorful format. The reason that why there is nothing to worry about undesired color is because modern scanning software’s are able to drop unwanted colors. Our scanning software is well known for this feature.

With a more advanced scanner, it is possible to drop all the color from an OMR sheet and can have scanning only in Black & white format.

It is not always necessary to have high end scanners for this task. If they are not available and the scanning is not as good as it needs to be, it is still possible to have accepted scanning in Black & white format.

Thus one can use scanners that have reasonable price than higher if one has quality scanning software such as the one we offer. Contact us if you want to know more on How to scan color OMR sheet.

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