Online Test Software
OMR & IT Solutions
Certified ISO 27001 & 9001

Online test software - Attempt Online Test By Candidate

As a common solution preferred by many educational institutions and government examination bodies, Addmen exam management software helps conduct online based exams and automate the evaluation process.

Student Online Dashboard Interface
Student Online Test Panel

Tests scheduled in the near future will be shown with the label "Coming Soon".

If the candidate has not attempted the online test within the defined test start and end date/time, it be labeled "Expired". Within the active test period, the tests will show in the list with the label "Take Test".

Candidate Online Test Panel - for solution of Online Test
Candidate Online Test Panel - for solution of Online Test

After submitting the online test, student can be permitted to view instant test results, along with the detailed test solutions. Tests completed within the specified start and end date will show up with the label “View Result”, upon completion of the test.

Candidate view Instant Online Result Panel
Candidate view Instant Online Result Panel

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