OMR Answer Sheet Checking Process
OMR & IT Solutions
Certified ISO 27001 & 9001

OMR Answer Sheet Checking Process

Introduction to Addmen OMR-OCR-ICR Software Solution

The OMR Answer Sheet Checking software expedites convenient evaluation of academic tests based on multiple choice questions. It is widely used across large educational institutions, IT firms, embassies, and recruitment agencies, to evaluate the candidate's academic growth by thorough statistical analysis and generation of merit reports. Using the software for data processing comes only as the step of completion of the sheet checking process.

Define the Test

OMR Software Test Definition

Set the Answer Key

OMR Software Answer Key Interface

Scan the Test Sheets

OMR Software Read Sheet Interface

Processing the Results

OMR Software View Result Interface

Creating an OMR Answer Sheet Using the Designer Module

The OMR sheet reader software also lets you design your own answer sheets. A simple interface makes it easy for beginners to operate on multiple designs at once. The software also comes with some ready-to-use sample answer sheet formats. You simply need to add the name of the institute and attach the institute logo, before printing them. Once you have a design, you can manually edit its components anytime you need to switch to a different test design.

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